10 Common Mistakes New Freelancers Make

frustrated freelancer

Becoming a freelancer is a journey that, like many others, requires careful preparation before you set out. Being careful is crucial so that you don’t fall into mistakes that can lead you to failing in reaching your goals through your freelancing career.

Many people who have always dreamed of going it alone end up abandoning their new freelance career and hot-footing it to working in the office.

While admittedly, not everyone is cut out for freelance work, with some careful preparation, you can give your freelance dream a fighting chance. It helps to acknowledge that there will be a bit of a bumpy ride at first, just as there often is when an airplane first takes off.

After all, you have to get used to working for yourself, establishing a reputation, and building a clientele, as well as sorting out your own finances, paying taxes, and maintaining any equipment you will be using to run your freelance business. Remember though, never quit! Freelancers is the best way for you to live the lifestyle you deserve. According to studies, 84 percent of freelancers claim that their choice of working arrangements enables them to live the lives they most desire.

حسنًا ، ما هي الأخطاء العشرة الأكثر شيوعًا التي يرتكبها المستقلون الجدد؟ تابع القراءة لمعرفة المزيد:

1- البدء في الوقت الخطأ.

This is one of the biggest freelancer mistakes that can be made. Yes, there can be a wrong and right time to launch your freelancing career.

Many women, for example, find that starting a family gives them the space they need to take the first steps towards running their own business from home.

They are in receipt of maternity benefits of some kind to help with day-to-day expenses and have some free time in which they can do some research into launching a new career.

It is also helpful to consider having some savings to fall back on for at least the first 6 months while you are freelancing, to give you a safety net as well as maybe kitting out a dedicated place to work in your home or purchasing some new office equipment. So think carefully – are you ready to go it alone yet?

2- عدم الدخول في روتين.

Think about it, most workplaces have a good routine and various systems of work in different departments to keep teams on the straight and narrow and achieve their goals. So as a freelancer it really helps if you get into a routine as well. Set your alarm clock for 7:00 am, for example, get dressed and make breakfast for yourself and any children who need to be leaving for school.

Open your laptop and ‘switch it on at the same time every day and answer all those emails that came in overnight. If you are experiencing a quiet time, go looking for clients yourself. Make some calls and chase leads until you get some work in.

Have you thought about opening a حساب Worxmart؟ نتخلص من متاعب مطاردة العملاء المحتملين كل يوم لأن الوظائف ستبدأ في الوصول إلى صندوق الوارد الخاص بك دون الحاجة إلى مطاردة العملاء المحتملين. يمنحك المزيد من الوقت لقضاءه في زيادة دخلك المهم للغاية!

3- انشاء نظام.

Not adapting your lifestyle to one that is suitable for freelancing is one of the biggest freelancer mistakes that can be made. You want to get work, earn money, pay taxes, and pay your bills. Maybe you’ll also be able to put a little something aside to go on holiday with or buy a new car. Make sure you run your office smoothly. Every time you get a job in, log it. Some freelancers use a paper diary and others use various online management systems.

Whatever your preference, log all your jobs and make a note of when you billed them. Get into the habit of putting some money aside to pay your taxes. Keep receipts for all your expenses and pay and invoice all your bills on time.

4- عدم توقيع عقد.

إذا أرادت وكالة ما أن تبدأ العمل لديها دون توقيع عقد ، فحينئذٍ تشعر بارتياب شديد. هناك الكثير من الوكالات الوهمية ، للأسف ، وعليك أن تكون دائمًا في حالة تأهب. إذا أراد شخص ما شيئًا رخيصًا جدًا وسريعًا جدًا ولم يقدم لك عقدًا ، فيجب أن تدق جميع أجراس الإنذار. 

وركسمارت تمنحك المساعدة راحة البال لأننا نتعامل مع عملائك ونصلح الأسعار ونقوم بالدفع لك ، وتوقع عقدًا معنا.

5- الشحن أكثر من اللازم.

Most agencies know what the going rate for a specialist is, depending on how long they have been working in their field and what qualifications they have, etc.

If you ask far more than the going rate without an outstanding reputation and years of experience to back you, then you’ll find it really hard to break into freelancing.

Prospective clients will simply ask someone else. It’s a good idea to do some research on how much to charge to avoid making this freelancer mistake, perhaps asking other freelancers on online forums such as LinkedIn to give you some input.

You’ll know you are roughly on track if your hourly rate works out at about the same as it did when you were working for an employer.

6- الشحن القليل جدا.

It is well known that if you pay peanuts, you will get monkeys. This is no different in the freelancing world, and if you underprice your skills, the companies you really want to work for will probably pass you over, while those who only wish to take advantage of you might burn you out. In order not to risk being stretched to breaking point financially and emotionally, you need to charge the going rate for your experience and skills.

7- الالتحاق بالعملاء الخطأ.

Freelancing, like anything else, is partly an experimental process. Sometimes we simply get landed with the wrong clients. They make exhaustive demands, fail to communicate or cannot provide a comprehensive brief, pay months after you have completed your work, leaving you with a ‘hungry gap’, cancel a project half completed, leaving you wondering what happened and whether you’re going to get anything for the work you have already done, pay just part of your fee, making an excuse as to why they don’t want to pay in full.

Don’t fall for this freelancer mistake. With time, you get to recognize the warning signs and you will find yourself falling into the trap of working with a bad client less often – or you could open an account with Worxmart – the client pays Worxmart for the service provided by a freelancer before the job is carried out, and the freelancer is then paid by Worxmart as soon as the job has been completed.

In the unusual case that the client decides to cancel their order part of the way through completion, they contact Wroxmart’s support center, which takes appropriate action to solve the issue to the satisfaction of all parties.

8- سوء السلوك.

This is a really hard one to swallow for everyone who displays it, but poor attitude is one of biggest freelancer mistakes that can be made. Being brusque, over-confident or impolite is to be avoided at all costs. End emails with care, eschewing signatures such as ‘KR’ and ‘best’, which rank pretty highly on dislike lists. When speaking to clients on Zoom, try to look professional and call from a tidy room; if using the phone, always sound friendly and helpful and try to sort out problems or requests speedily and politely, when under pressure.

9- ضياع المواعيد النهائية.

One of the biggest freelancer mistakes that are made is not sticking to the deadline, which comes back to time-management. Deadlines Clients often make notes against freelancer names in databases, particularly if they deliver late, fail to communicate, or act in an obstructive manner.

The good news here is that if you do well and take a genuine interest in their projects they will also make positive notes against your name so that if they leave a company and a client account gets handed on to someone else, there’s a chance these positive comments will be seen and acted on when the new incumbent wants to use the service you provide.

10- تسويق ضعيف لخدماتك.

العمل الحر هو مثل أي عمل آخر ، وبمجرد أن تجد عميلًا رائعًا تحب العمل لديه ويدفع لك ما تستحقه ، سترغب في التفكير في كيفية أن تصبح أكثر قيمة بالنسبة لهم. لا تنس إخبارهم بالأشياء الأخرى التي تفعلها حتى يتمكنوا من الاستفادة منها. على سبيل المثال ، إذا كنت مترجمًا ، فيمكنك أيضًا تقديم خدمات النشر المكتبي أو التنضيد بلغتك المستهدفة. إذا كنت مصححًا لغويًا ، فقد تكون أيضًا مؤلف إعلانات ، ويمكن لمصمم الويب تقديم النشرات والكتيبات للطباعة. وجد عميلك شخصًا يثق به ويحب العمل معه.

في Worxmart ، كلما زاد اهتمامك بخدماتك ، زاد عدد العملاء الذين ستجذبهم. خلق خدمة احترافية وكاملة الذي يوفر جميع المعلومات التي قد يحتاجها العميل سيجعل خدمتك تبرز بين الخدمات الأخرى.

هناك العديد من الأخطاء الأخرى التي يمكن أن يرتكبها الموظف المستقل الجديد ، ولكن استخدام الفطرة السليمة بشأن الصفقات التجارية ، والتواصل الجيد والأدب ، وتقديم أفضل أعمالك في الوقت المحدد ، سوف يأخذك شوطًا طويلاً.

إذا كنت ترغب في معرفة المزيد حول العمل مع Worxmart والتخلص من بعض المتاعب التي لا مفر منها لبدء حياتك المهنية المستقلة ، فلماذا لا تتوجه إلى موقعنا على الويب هنا وافتح حساب مستقل؟ لا تستغرق العملية وقتًا طويلاً وقد تعمل قريبًا بأجر كبير يناسب مؤهلاتك وخبراتك دون الحاجة إلى المساومة. نتمنى لك كل التوفيق!

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