Legal Writer Freelancer


200.00 $ - 250.00 $


7 days


December 23, 2022

Start date:

December 16, 2022

End date:

December 28, 2022


Content Creation, Legal writing, Writing

Task Type: Content Writing

Target Language: English

Subject Matter: Legal

Amount: 52 pages

We have 4 legal documents that we want a legal writer to paraphrase.
This will be 4 tasks each one separately. we would start with a 3-page document if the resource succeeded, we will assign the remaining tasks to him.
he should understand each paragraph or sentence the rewrite using English/ legal synonyms.
kindly let me know the capacity of pages per day and the rate.


Excellent verbal and written English skills
Hold a Degree in Legal Preferred studied in English


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Posted in ,

December 14, 2022