It is provide experience that makes online shopping a much simpler and seamless process.
Features of this app:
Sign up system with name,*****and password.
Login system with*****and password.
Integrity ( two access level [ user – admin ] ).
From Use
It is provide experience that makes online shopping a much simpler and seamless process.
Features of this app:
Sign up system with name,*****and password.
Login system with*****and password.
Integrity ( two access level [ user – admin ] ).
From User view :
Ability to Discover lot of products.
Ability to see Details of product.
Ability to add products to Shopping cart.
Ability to remove products from cart.
Ability to make an order by entering your address.
From Admin view :
Ability to add new products
Ability to manage current products .
Ability to edit products.
Ability to remove products.
Ability to see current orders.
Ability to see details of each order.