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I will do English & French video and audio transcription
Premium transcription I will provide quality video and audio transcription of up to 5 minutes  I will transcribe accurately (100%) and with speed the following • Podcast • Seminars • Meetings •...
Starting at
5.00 $
Arabic Transcription
I have a long experience dealing with different types of videos and audios in different Arabic dialects on many platforms. I am also a fast learner with high commitment sense. when it comes to...
Starting at
5.00 $
Dumping pdf, audio and handwritten files into Word
Dumping pdf, audio and handwritten files into Word High quality With formatting, taking into account fonts and line spacing Spell check, grammar and punctuation Add diacritics to words if you like...
Starting at
5.00 $
Transcripting English Audio To Text
I will transcript your English audio files into text professionally.
Starting at
5.00 $
Transcript any English / Arabic into text Professionally
I worked in several environments from audios & videos, I can help you transcribe any audio or video into a text, and I have a great understanding of how to transcribe any although I am offering...
Starting at
5.00 $
تفريغ صوتي عربي و English
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته، أتمنى أن تكون بخير وبصحة جيدة، وأن تجد في خبراتي ما يمكنني أن أساعدك به. هل تبحث عن مترجم / كاتب محتوى متمرس يمكنه العمل في وقت ضيق مع الحفاظ على معايير عالية للعمل؟...
Starting at
5.00 $